The Dance

Posted: April 2, 2014 in Friday Fictioneers

Studio Lights from Kent

Lissette imagined the stage would be cold and dark and lonely.

But when she stepped in front of the orange screen and the lights flashed on and the soldiers clapped

she forgot the guards had replaced her striped pajamas with red leotards and a purple camisole

and she danced – like they told her to.

Bare feet flying, arms twisting, this once pretty girl (for she had possessed blonde ringlets

before the razor blade sliced them off) warmed to the shouts, brightened at the hoots and

pretended each man was a friend.  She danced because, if she didn’t, she would die.

  1. Sandra says:

    Powerful piece. I’m not sure what’s happening here but I can only too well imagine… Nice work.


  2. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    This has me thinking about Joy Division and WWII — about women forced into prostitution and burlesque shows.


  3. I see we went in a similar, terrible direction this week. Well-written.



    • Janet, we truly did! Maybe because we both used the Greyzed (I think that’s what it’s called) format on our blog. The letter home is poignant and sad. How many girls end up like that I wonder.


  4. wmqcolby says:

    Very well-done! Caught the feelings and venue.

    I have never heard of this Joy Division. What was it?


  5. The works brilliantly. I really felt Lisette’s disorientation. This is what good flash is all about.


  6. Shandra says:

    Powerful and unfortunately too true. Nice job, well done!


  7. Alicia, excellent imagery! The story’s a bit of a mystery to me, but the writing is very good.


  8. I have always been intrigued by that time period. I think she was probably lucky that she COULD dance.


  9. Dear Alicia,

    She danced her way into my heart. Bravo!




  10. Hala J. says:

    Man, that was powerful and very real. I’m rooting for her, but feel so very bad for her and her situation. I hope she dances her way out once and for all…


  11. A well-written story that’s both beautiful and sad. You’ve painted a heart-rending picture.


  12. Moving piece. The world can be so cruel.


  13. To be forced into that situation.. how chilling.. still when the only hope is death.. humans has a strong will to live.


  14. Yes, they do. Thanks, Bjorn.


  15. tedstrutz says:

    Excellent take on this prompt. This is the kind of story that goes on in your mind.


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