
Posted: October 8, 2014 in Friday Fictioneers
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Copyright-Rochelle Fields

Irena arrived by Kindertransport. Although strange, her new parents were kind.
“Poppa” played banjo at the pub. “Momma” mended clothes.
Neither earned much money.
Unlike her friend Amelia, placed in a house where daily lessons were beaten into her,
Irena learned English listening to “Poppa” recite words to songs.
He pronounced them slowly, spelled them for her while she carefully drew letters on the chalkboard beside the window.
Years passed. Irena grew tall and lanky and beautiful. She forgot her home in Warsaw Ghetto, forgot how to speak her native Polish.
Never, ever did she forget her real Momma and Poppa looking out the window of an entirely different train.

  1. So much said, you might forget your language.. but never your mom and dad on that other train…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. J says:

    Ouch —-
    so beautifully written. I’m glad you saved the most important details for last.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Maree Gallop says:

    Wow, a powerfully emotive story. Well written.


  4. margirene says:

    Irena’s life goes on. I wonder how she’ll reconcile her good fortune of getting kind ‘parents’ with the tragedy she’ll never forget. I like the understatement of your ending. Powerful.


  5. draliman says:

    If there’s one thing you’ll never forget, it’s your parents. Powerful story, especially the last line.


  6. Painfully moving, Alicia. The imagery is haunting. Nice job!


  7. Caerlynn Nash says:

    Much said in few words. Great description of horrific times.


  8. rgayer55 says:

    Whoa . . . that last sentence just stuck a fork in me. Very powerful! I think this is one of your best pieces ever.


  9. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Alicia, This is so moving and a wonderful story. I don’t think she will ever forget her parents being on the other train and I hope it doesn’t start causing her emotional distress. Excellent story! Nan 🙂


  10. Dear Alicia,

    Subtle. Beautifully subtle. We both know what train and where it took her parents, don’t we? Again, well layered with a whole novel written between the lines. Love this.




  11. wmqcolby says:

    I LOVE IT!!!
    Great story and I’ll tell you why: my old girlfriend’s name is Irena and her dad is very musical as is she. Her dad is a holocaust survivor as is her mom’s family. They are terrific people. I hope to visit them while I’m here.


  12. subroto says:

    I wasn’t aware of the Kindertransport until now, so I looked them. That made your story even more moving and touching.


  13. Subroto – thanks for taking the time to look that I’m. After all these years, I’m still a computer nerd and forget to add links to my stories. I appreciate your time.


  14. liz young says:

    Beautiful and tragic story that must have been repeated in thousands of lives.


  15. Sad story with some consolation to it.


  16. storydivamg says:

    Awesome story this week, Alicia. I especially like the way you use the windows in your story.

    All my best,
    Marie Gai


  17. Amy Reese says:

    What an incredible, layered piece, Alicia. So much here. The ending leaves quite an impression.


  18. Wow! Very emotional and powerful. Great last sentence.


  19. Good story Alicia. Very moving.


  20. Glad you thought so, Dawn. I appreciate you stopping by. Alicia


  21. Alice Audrey says:

    Powerful. Especially the last line.


  22. Powerful seems to be the operative word here and everyone who has used it is right! Well done!


  23. Sarah Ann says:

    Sad and uplifting at the same time – beautifully done. Your title and story made me think of ‘Lessons in Love’ (it must the 80s theme I and others went for with the Tears for Fears reference this week, all that musical memory bashing around in my brain). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt7mtdLha-c

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Heartbreaking story! I was deeply moved by it.


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