Teodora Proves Her Worth

Posted: October 28, 2015 in Friday Fictioneers
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PHOTO PROMPT - © Dale Rogerson

“Last time I seen Teadora she was collectin’ them river weeds she weaves in ta’ baskets.”
“Been weavin’ that same old basket over a year. Ain’t got no real shape. Looks more like a banana than a bowl. Big, too”
“She’s a crazy nigger. Not worth a hoot. Stupider than a stump.”
“And I paid 800 bucks for her.”

Behind the house, Teadora listens. Smiles. Loops the bag over her shoulder. Inside? All her belongings – one blouse and raggedy scarf.

By the light of a half-moon she strolls to the river bank, climbs in her tule reed boat and paddles away.


  1. Oh.. I wonder who is stupid then.. good for the basket-weaving woman. love the lingo

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  2. Dale says:

    Love the dialogue and go Teadora! I hope she makes it!

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  3. micklively says:

    I hope she has somewhere to escape to, as well as from.
    Good piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sandra says:

    That’s the thing I’ve noticed about basket-weaving – rarely does the finished object end up symmetrical. But it never ends up as a boat/canoe. Great take on the prompt, thinking outside the box.

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  5. gahlearner says:

    Love it, very clever. I hope she makes it.

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  6. Dear Alicia,

    Theodora ain’t so stupid as all that is she? Perfect voice for a stellar piece. Brava!



    Liked by 1 person

  7. I think this was a piece of mighty fine writing, Alicia.


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  8. Interesting dialect! Love Teadora’s boat. Great story!

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  9. hafong says:

    Well, I would say she’s pretty smart for a stump! I hope she has a happy ending. I like the dialogue.


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  10. wildbilbo says:

    I think you did well on the voice – wasn’t over done, but still displaying the speaker’s ignorance. I wouldnt worry about showing them as too dumb – if history shows us nothing else, its that stupid people can be rich too.

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  11. subroto says:

    Effective dialogue and an interesting escape. Nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. A wonderful story, I enjoyed it so much!

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  13. Good for her. She’s obviously worth much more than her slave price.

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  14. draliman says:

    Ha, Teadora knew what she was doing even if they didn’t!

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  15. ceayr says:

    Great dialogue, cool story.
    Well done, y’all.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Unique and fun take on the prompt.

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  17. Great story. Love the take with basket weaving. I am happy for Teodora! 🙂

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  18. Great story, which builds steadily and effectively. Go, Teadora!

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  19. plaridel says:

    it just showed it she’d go very far. 🙂

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  20. rgayer55 says:

    Hmmm . . . Connie’s been weaving a basket. Better lock up the paddles.

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  21. Danny James says:

    Good one. Can’t help but hope she makes good.



  22. Amy Reese says:

    I love the dialogue, Alicia. “Stupider than a stump.” Who’s the stupid one now? Way to go, Teadora. She’s got a plan. The description of her boat at the end made me smile. Great name, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. ansumani says:

    I like the voices of the characters…even though Teodora does not “speak” her actions spoke effectively. Nice one.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Margaret says:

    I love the irony here. Who are the stupid ones? Great voices. Terrific story.

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  25. Great dialogue, Alicia. It was greatly to her benefit that they thought she was stupid. They’ll find that out when it’s too late. Well done. 🙂 —- Suzanne

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  26. Good for Teadora. I bet her “smart master” will be weeks in figuring out how she got away.

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  27. RASL says:

    Amazing how you can get this incredible story from that picture…I can imagine it perfectly with your words, but could never pull it out of the picture myself!


  28. I just clicked on a title at the bottom of the recent story I read.
    WOW … I almost missed this great piece of writing. Love the accents.
    Teodora was stronger than they thought.
    Isadora 😎


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