Unwanted Migration

Posted: July 20, 2016 in Friday Fictioneers

PHOTO PROMPT- Copyright - Jan Wayne Fields


“Give me your tired . . . poor . . . huddled masses, blah blah blah.” Thompson stares at the replica of Miss Liberty where Mayor Bernard plopped her down at the entrance to the harbor. “Without askin’ a god damn one of us.”
Well, the masses came to huddle – everywhere.
“S’posed to be too cold for them to migrate here. Give me the creeps.”
Big ones, little ones, black, white, yellow, red.
“Even stripey.” Thompson grimaces. “Liberty and Bernard can have ’em all.”
Thompson starts his engine and pulls away from shore not realizing two enormous stripey snakes are huddled in his bed.

  1. I do like where you took this, striped snakes indeed.. Poisonous too?

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  2. Ohhh he deserves everything he gets.

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  3. rgayer55 says:

    Pets of Beetlejuice, I suppose?

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  4. Amy Reese says:

    Snakes have always given me the creeps. What a creative take, Alicia. I was definitely going a different direction up until the stripes. Nice one!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Amy. I looked up St. Patrick and the snakes after my mind took off on a snake invasion. That’s where I learned it was actually too cold around Ireland for there to be enough snakes for him to eradicate. P.S. I had absolutely no trouble cutting and pasting the picture this time. I always try that first. No need to download then find media. Go figure.

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      • Amy Reese says:

        Oh, right! Of course, this is the St. Patrick’s story. Now I got it. Great weaving with the prompt.
        P.S. Just know the pic could disappear. If it’s in your library the photo has a path. Sometimes I’ve lost them with a copy/paste job. Either way, it’s there, so good job!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank goodness they haven’t done THAT yet. Another surprise waiting to happen.


  5. draliman says:

    Very topical, nice piece!

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  6. Sandra says:

    Nice twist there at the end. I was definitely on a different track up to then.

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  7. gahlearner says:

    I love this. And it’s timely and true. Poor snakes won’t be very welcome, I’m afraid.

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  8. ceayr says:

    Nicely done, Alicia, although I admit to being somewhat blindsided by the snakes.

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  9. yarnspinnerr says:

    Great write. No escape from stripeys anywhere in the globe.

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  10. plaridel says:

    i guess the snakes wanted to keep warm, too. 🙂

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  11. Dear Alicia,

    Those immigrants can stay away. Well done.



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  12. Margaret says:

    Snakes! Didn’t expect that. Great twist.

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  13. Jan Brown says:

    I like the misdirection, right up to the word “stripey.” Well done!


  14. liz young says:

    I read people until I reached the end, and then I thought poison. Every reader sees something different = well done.

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  15. subroto says:

    Yeah, nobody wants the tired and hungry anymore. The next inscription will have “Give me your well fed, prosperous and with money to invest…..”. Ten points for Slytherin.

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  16. Good story, Alicia. Next time he sets out he better check his boat thoroughly. Kind of a grouchy old sailor. Maybe he suffers from arthritis. I enjoyed the humor in the story. Good writing. 😀 — Suzanne

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  17. wmqcolby says:

    Hahahaha! Oops! You captured that sailor really well, Alicia. Made me wish for 500 more words.

    Five out of five copperheads.

    Liked by 1 person

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