The Guy

Posted: April 12, 2017 in Friday Fictioneers

Thanks to Dale Rogerson and Rochelle Wisoff-Fields the Friday Fictioneers get to go on vacation with a wild and crazy guy.

What did I do last night? Whose cosmetics are these?
Not mine! Hey! I’m a guy.
I don’t drink wine. I don’t wear red panties.
And I certainly don’t eat pizza. Red meat or nothin’.

What I remember: A conga line. Paper umbrellas. Clinking ice.
This guy drinks scotch on the rocks and wears Speedos,
’cause real guys don’t wear Jockey for Men.
Now, back to the question that hasn’t been asked, “Where am I?”

“Rog, darling!”
Who? What? Damn my head hurts.
And there she is, in all her pink-skinned glory.

This guy is happy!

(100 words)

  1. I really enjoyed the quickness and wit of this. Nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Lish,

    That’s a helluva way to wake up. I’d love to know what happened the night before. 😉 Good one.



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  3. Iain Kelly says:

    Sounds like a fun night was had by all!

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  4. michael1148humphris says:

    Great story of the office party? It’s fascinating what fixes guys will get into. But I really pity his wife.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, maybe an office party! I was thinking of a little business get away since Dale Rogerson submitted the picture and has been vacationing this week. Selfish-guy on vacation … Yep, the wife needs to look into a little get-away herself.

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  5. Did she charge him? That would remove all ambiguities!

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  6. beautyswot says:

    ha ha! once, just once I would love a crazy night!

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  7. James says:

    Hey baby, take a walk on the wild side.

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  8. Dale says:

    We kinda went the same route this week, Alicia! Rog? Hmm… any particular reason you went with that one? 😉

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  9. draliman says:

    Ah, brings back memories… heh, only kidding 😉
    A bit of a “player” this guy, by the sounds of it.

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  10. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover says:

    Great fun. I enjoyed that it was from a man’s POV.

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  11. Laurie Bell says:

    Oh oh… methinks he drank way too much and is in for a world of trouble.

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  12. Danny James says:

    Been there, done that!

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  13. rgayer55 says:

    Oh, those tell-tale leftover panties. They’ll get you in trouble every time.
    I thought “real men” went commando. 🙂 Fun story, Lish.

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  14. Amy Reese says:

    I bet those two would have a crazy night together. This was fabulous, darling. It’s going to be wild if paper umbrellas and Speedos are involved. Not to mention the clinking ice.

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  15. plaridel says:

    wow, did he find himself tied spread eagle to the bed, too? 🙂

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  16. Michael Wynn says:

    Oh dear, another casualty of a party gone too far. You captured those first thoughts, questions on waking up after such a night, brilliantly

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Michael. I’ve never been in a situation like this – not from lack of trying! College daze and archaeological field camps are rife with possibilities. But I’ve known some people who have. Glad you stopped by.


  17. amiewrites74 says:

    Sounds like he had a wild night! His poor wife…


  18. Sarah Ann says:

    Great stream of consciousness giving an idea of the man Rog is. If only all memory loss could make people this happy.
    A great read, letting us wonder what Rog got up to last night.

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  19. It sounds as if Rog might get a second helping, if he’s lucky 😉 At least this time, he should remember it!

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  20. Rog doesn’t sound like a very nice guy at all! Good story, well told.

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  21. I like the quick-fire thoughts— true to form, after a night of indulgence. Not that I’d know. 😉

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  22. Yea, I don’t like him either…but I do your story!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. yuhublogger says:

    Ha Ha! This is such a fun take on the FF prompt!


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