The Memo

Posted: May 14, 2014 in Friday Fictioneers

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright-Sandra Crook

Jaimie had to get Mary to the hospital. Now!
How did he know?
She was using his name in vain every five minutes.
The contractions started two hours ago.
“At least four hours before they get serious,” Mary had insisted.
Somehow the contractions didn’t get the memo and
came on seriously – really seriously – at two and half hours.
Now Jaimies’s car was really, really stuck inside a herd of friggin’ sheep.
“Move!” he yelled.
Snaggle-toothed herdsman turned to say, “No worries, laddie, I’ve helped many a ewe give birth.”
As if in protest, the baby slid out on the blanketed seat.

  1. Nice last line. The baby probably has aspirations of being in high society and didn’t want the first touch it felt to smell like sheep.


  2. Sandra says:

    I toyed with a similar idea first of all. It worked well for you.


  3. I’m glad they had the foresight to ‘blanket’ the back seat! Nice idea.


  4. Was I suppose to laugh at this, cause I did.


  5. Dear Alicia,

    I laughed at her using his name in vain. Having given birth three times, I know that stage well, as does my husband. 😉 Well done.




    • Thanks, Rochelle. I’ve never given birth, but remember a joke about a woman wanting to take her husband’s lower lip and stretch it over his head to let him know how truly painful it is. That said it all to me. Cheers.


  6. […] thank you to Alicia Jamtas, who noticed that I posted my story on my blog yesterday, but did not it to InLinkz! Arrgh! I do […]


  7. This is wonderfully descriptive, Alicia! I love Jaimie’s mounting anxiety and the humor infused there. That final line is fantastic! Thanks again for the heads up regarding inLinkz!


  8. Wonderfully good. I love that last line, probably a good place to be 😉


  9. Alicia, Good story and very realistic. Babies don’t keep appointments. They’re very independent-minded. Humorous and well done. 🙂 —Susan


  10. That’s really funny although your lady readers may be gritting their teeth. Do some more.


  11. Clever ending — and a very charming story!


  12. tedstrutz says:

    I wondered how many times that’s happened… some clever funny lines here. She was using his name in vain every five minutes… I can just imagine what she was saying!


  13. Just think: the blanketed seat may have gotten its start in an earlier herd being driven by the Snaggle-toothed herdsman! I’ve got to use the word snaggled-toothed as soon as possible. Funny story, Alicia!


    • Perry, I hadn’t thought of that, but my imagination had conjured “scratchy” for some reason. Perhaps thinking of a purple wool blanket that had been on my grandmother’s bed. Thanks for reading.


  14. draliman says:

    Farmer – next best thing to a midwife! Baby didn’t seem to think so, mind.


  15. That last line is so visual, “slid out.” I can picture it even though I’ve never witnessed a real birth. I bet being in labor for only about six hours is far better than what a lot of women experience. But, she’ll have a good story to tell later.


  16. I don’t blame the baby for coming along without the help of the snuggle-tooth! 🙂


  17. rheath40 says:

    Fantastic ending!

    Love, Renee


  18. Alice Audrey says:

    Must be the second-born. They tend to come a lot faster.


  19. wmqcolby says:

    Well, when in Rome … babies, sheep, it’s all good. Funny!


  20. Amy Reese says:

    It sounds like little baby got the memo! I thought the farmer offering to deliver was great. Fun story.


  21. subroto says:

    A wonderful touch of humour in the end to balance the tense start. Nicely done.


  22. That could have been a sticky (sorry!) situation! I think the baby had the right idea. Ewe did a great job. 😉


  23. Thank ewe! It got fleecy toward the end. Cheers.


  24. rgayer55 says:

    Great story, Alicia. Women in labor are known to use foul language when screaming at the husband. Mine almost choked me to death when have contractions with our firstborn.


  25. DCTdesigns says:

    Alicia- you and I were definitely on he same page this week. Though the shepherd is a wee bit scarier. Smart Baby!


  26. hugmamma says:

    Love this story. Reminds me of another birth in…Bethlehem. Maybe it’s the sheep that took me back there.


  27. Nan Falkner says:

    Thanks Alicia for a wonderful, humorous story! I’ve had 4 boys and know how this works. Clever to have a blanket in the car to catch the baby! Excellent! Nan Claire 🙂


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