Not the Best Advice

Posted: April 5, 2023 in Friday Fictioneers
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Life ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, Little Buddy. No matter how much muscle you put inta’ livin’ your life, it tosses you a hard ball. Your dog gets run over, kids at school steal your lunch. (Shoulder shrug) Your mom dies. Look, I ain’t sayin’ her death ain’t a catastrophe, but hey, that’s the way life rolls. She’s here, then she ain’t, then you gotta’ make your own lunch. Look, you’re a tough little dude; now get out there and play in the street.

Tommy flipped his father the bird and burst into tears.

P.S. Last week, Tracey informed me that advertisements showed up alongside my posts. I researched the issue for about two hours and couldn’t figure out how to make it stop. Please let me know if they show up again, OR if you have suggestions, please shoot them to me. Happy Friday Fictioneers Day. Thanks, Rochelle, for being our host and providing a thought-provoking picture.

  1. neilmacdon says:

    Tommy’s father sounds overdue for some hard knocks too

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  2. Iain Kelly says:

    I’m torn between there is something in what his dad says, and perhaps he could say it in a bit more of a caring and understanding way! But at some point, he is right, Tommy will need to get on with life as best he can.

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    • So true, Ian. Everything Dad said was true, but he could have been kinder. I just read this to my husband, and he asked how I got this story from the picture. It actually morphed so many times while I wrote it, I’m not quite sure. 🙂

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  3. trentpmcd says:

    Mr. Touchy-feely, so full of compassion… not. Good luck, Tommy.

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  4. I’m thinking the Dad is finding it as tough as the kid and has no idea how to deal with the situation.

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  5. granonine says:

    What a clod! Maybe she died just to get relief from her not-so-adoring husband.

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  6. Dear Lish,

    Perhaps Dad thinks it’s tough love. But it’s really tough jerkwad. 😉



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  7. Dad may have a point, he just needed to think about the way he expressed it. On second thoughts, perhaps not!

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  8. athling2001 says:

    Well done. Tommy’s father sounds like he needs some lessons in kindness and compassion.

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  9. plaridel says:

    dad acts like a marine sergeant. still, there must some soft spot within.

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  10. Tannille says:

    I don’t think Dad is trying to be mean. He lacks skills and probably grieving himself. Sad situation. The ruins represent the current state of the family.

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  11. GHLearner says:

    Sometimes kids are stuck with the wrong parent. Life in ruins is probably the connection to the picture. I bet Dad finds a new wife fast, for convenience. Let’s hope for Tommy that she likes children.

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  12. Tommy’s dad is an ass.

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  13. msjadeli says:

    As EC sings, “Motherless children have a hard time.” I like your evocative story. I feel for the kid and I feel for the dad, who is woefully out of his depth.

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  14. Oof, that’s some tough love, if it’s love. Pretty hard, in any case. Great story though.

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  15. So sad his father couldn’t be there for him in the way he needed. There’s no set time for when grieving should cease.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Laurie Bell says:

    Poor Tommy. Not a time for tough love. I have a feeling they are not going to get on when Tommy gets older.

    Liked by 1 person

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