Sister Love

Posted: April 12, 2023 in Friday Fictioneers
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I have purposely been seated at a table littered with plastic-coated sheets of scriptures penned by the apostles Ezra, Nehemiah, and Soloman. Oh, don’t get me wrong, not the Bible’s apostles; I’m talking about the three founding brothers of the Heavenly Women’s Retreat two miles off Jensen Road.

Note: only women occupy the chairs; their eyes focus on Ezra’s wife, Annabelle, obviously swollen with child. Her seventh?

Rumor? The baby is Soloman’s.

I won’t read these “scriptures.” I won’t be brainwashed or convinced to join the cult.

What will I do? Rescue my sister. Annabelle will sleep beside me tonight.

  1. neilmacdon says:

    The guys really should have worked out they needed a woman to front it

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  2. I’m rooting for her!

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  3. I would expect no less from my sister. She would drag me out by my hair if necessary and no one would dare stop her. Lord help the mister, who comes between me and my sister.

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  4. James McEwan says:

    I have never understood the power of cults. People sometimes mention I am not listening to them, so brain washing doesn’t work as I lose concentration with the constant babble. The religious element seems to be a common factor.

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  5. Dear Lish,

    This sent chills down my spine. I hope she can get her sister (and herself) out alive. Well done.



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  6. trentpmcd says:

    Interesting – I just watched a video about cults yesterday. Hopefully she rescues her sister, but that is only the beginning for poor Annabelle who will need months of therapy.

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  7. Sandra says:

    Funny how we both saw the photo and thought ‘cult’. Great story, Lish.

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  8. James Pyles says:

    That’s horrifying but not unheard of.

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  9. granonine says:

    Ah, the sister of the captive who probably was voluntary in the beginning. I’ve often noticed that some cults put women in a very difficult position. I hope the sister wins!

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  10. These cult leaders are the masters of manipulation. Getting sucked in is easy, getting out is not. Nicely written. I would love to read the next scene.

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  11. plaridel says:

    when i doubt, she should follow her heart

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  12. pennygadd51 says:

    Excellent story, Lish!

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  13. Thank goodness she was there, hopefully, Annabelle was persuaded to leave with her sister.

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  14. Bear says:

    Good one, Lish!

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  15. poetisatinta says:

    Sisters standing strong 🙌

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  16. Liz Young says:

    Every time I read about a cult, or watch a documentary, I wonder how people can possibly believe such utter drivel. But then I recall that Hitler and Putin use/d similar tactics.

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  17. Gripping. I hope she can save Annabelle and all her children.

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  18. athling2001 says:

    Interesting twist. I hope she succeeds.

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  19. I love her determination to rescue her sister and hope she is successful. The last line is very powerful.

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  20. msjadeli says:

    Oh my, this morphed into something totally unexpected. With her determination, I’m sure she will succeed in rescuing her sister.

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  21. Nobbinmaug says:

    Physical extraction will be easier than mental extraction. When people get entrenched in a belief system, anybody who tries to emancipate them is the enemy. Very engaging take.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Laurie Bell says:

    Oh I love this final line… I believe her. She will rescue her sister.

    Liked by 1 person

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